9 port Fiber Opitcal Fiber Access Terminal FTTA FastConnect Enclosures with 1x8 PLC Splitters.Fiber access termination box SD-9A is able to hold up to 8 subscribers. It is used as a termination point for 1 x ISP cable to connect with 1 x OSP cable and 8 x drop cable in FTTx network system. It integrates fiber splicing, splitting, storage and cable management in one solid protection box.It is a mechanically sealed dome-style FastConnect closure used at access points of the FTTx-ODN network. It is a product with all inlet and outlet cables pre-connected, eliminating the need of closure opening and fiber splicing. All ports are equipped with hardened adapters. The operators do not need to splice fibers or open boxes during ODN deployment, which improves service provisioning efficiency and reduces the total cost of operation.
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